“Carpetship.com” is a Persian carpet online store launched in 2019. CapretShip is a hub with central management. It connects investors , Persian carpet experts , Persian carpet provider ( persons, whole providers, collectors, etc.) and Persian carpet buyers ( personal buyers, whole-sellers, carpet dealers, collectors, decorators, dealers etc.)
The top most rule in CarpetShip is “Quality comes first”. Evert single carpet which is provided buy providers to carpetship.com is professionally being checked and evaluated by Persian Hand-Knotted Experts ( like Mr. Reza Derakhshesh ) . If it passes the quality checks then it will be added to the collection for sale.
Another rule in CarpetShip is supporting customers. We believe that our customers are valuable. They understand the value of art, the history of human, the hard-work of weavers and the value of each single knots in carpets. So, we also feel responsible to provide best service and support to these valuable humans from zero. Our experts are available to provide consultations to customers for selecting suitable carpet. They help customers for payments and shipping options. They also help customers after receiving the carpets about how to take care of it and if the environment that the carpet is placed has any risk.
After buying carpets from us, we also will help you if you decided to sell them in future, we will re-evaluate the carpet and provide it online for other customers to buy and will help you sell the carpet with up-to-date reasonable price. Because we believe our carpets are valuable and buying them is also an investment